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Thema: Bidens Executive Order vom 12.9.2022 (

Geschrieben von: 55555 am: 29.10.22, 14:57:34
Dort gibt es eine breit angelegte Gentechnikinitiative als allgemeines Regierungsziel? Kritisiert wird sie u.a. als vermutliche Eugenikeskalation.
Transhumanists and Technocrats in Big Pharma have cracked the U.S. government wide open to flood the bioeconomy with taxpayer money and labor to push the frontier of genetic modification of all living things and especially humans. This will ultimately spark the biggest public backlash in modern history.

Biden pledges not only funding but an all-of-government transformation to support this anti-human scheme from top to bottom. It also automatically blocks any agency or department from dissent.
