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Thema: Pakistan: 11 jährige Analphabetin (möglicherweise T21) wegen Koranverbrennung inhaftiert (

Geschrieben von: 55555 am: 20.08.12, 17:29:30
An 11-year-old Christian girl has been arrested and detained on charges of blasphemy for allegedly desecrating pages from the Quran in the Pakistan capital Islamabad.

According to a statement released by the President's office on Sunday, the girl, identified as Ramsha, was accused by a local resident of burning pages of the Muslim holy text after she gathered paper as fuel for cooking.

Local media reports said the girl has Down syndrome. CNN was unable to confirm these reports, however Qasim Niazi, the police officer in charge of the police station near where the incident took place, said the girl did not have a mental disorder but was illiterate and had not attended school.


Schwierig finde ich in solchen Fällen (sofern sich das mit der T21 bestätigt) immer, daß die Empörung auf der Annahme aufbaut die betreffende Bevölkerungsgruppe sei doof und deswegen nicht wirklich zurechnungsfähig.